27 april 2002
home page
Sandra Adickes and Ruth Cowan
The Women's Movement of the 1970s as a catalyst for feminist action today
Kester Aspden
Women against Male Violence in West Yorkshire
Margaret Beetham
Feminism across Generations
Jo Brain and Clare Hemmings
Remembering the 1970s: Feminism, Institutionalisation and Historiography
Ros Brunt and Jenny Wolmark
Politics, pleasure and pain in the 70s
Gail Chester
Active Then, Active Now: or, I
call myself a radical feminist'.
Maria Coppola
Spare Rib
' Magazine (1972-1993): Representing the 'New' Woman
Mary Eagleton
Re-reading the Seventies: Re-reading Women's Silence
Sarah Edwards
The Edwardian Lady: A 1970s icon?
Zoe Fairbairns
Saying What We Want: Women's Liberation and the Seven Demands
Laurel Foster
Liberating the Recipe: A study of the recipe form in feminist magazines and newsletters of the 1970s
Judy Giles
The Feminine Mystique
: Betty Friedan and the suburban housewife
Kristyn Gorton
Then and Now: A new time for feminism
Helen Graham
'Being' a feminist: Political Subjectivity and the early days of the Women's Liberation Movement
Tammy Grimshaw
Literary Negotiations of Female Homosexuality in the 1970s: Lesbianism in Iris Murdoch's
An Accidental Man
Julia Hallam
Negotiating popular feminism:
The Feminine Mystique
Marianne Hester
Revisiting Millett's
Sexual Politics
Myrtle Hill
Challenging the State We're In: The feminist seventies in `Troubled' Northern Ireland
Mary Holmes
How to cope with having changed the world: Personal and structural accounts of seventies feminism
Rosie Ilett
Library work for housewives - or the liberated librarian?: Exploring feminist thinking in British and American librarianship in the 1970s
Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott
What ever happened to feminist critiques of monogamy?
Mary Joannou
Revisiting the Best-Selling Confessional Novels of the 1970s
Margaretta Jolly
Writing the web: Letters from the women's peace movement
Yvonne Keller
Revolution and Assimilation: The Cultural Work of U.S. 1970s Lesbian Fiction
Anna Krugovoy Silver
The Cyborg Mystique: The Stepford Wives and Second Wave Feminism
Yolanda Morato
Denise Levertov: the Aesthetics of Politics in a Transcultural Experience
Paulina Palmer
Custody Problems and Contradictions: Representations of lesbian motherhood in the fiction of the 1970s
Laura Potts, Jane Watts and Dena Attar
Reviving and Revisiting Consciousness-Raising as Feminist Practice
Avril Rolph
Not just the miners' strike - the Women's Liberation Movement in South Wales
Eve Setch
Women's Liberation and Anti-violence organisation
Diane Speier
Birth in the 1970s, and beyond ...
Imogen Tyler
The ME Decade: Gender and narcissism in the late Seventies the beat that goes . . . Me . . . Me . . . Me . . . Me . . . (Wolfe, 1977:147)
Maria Vara
Cordelia versus Lise: Two striking versions of power distribution in women's detective fiction in the seventies
Emma Webb
Confessional Sins and Postmodern Practice: Re-Reading Marie Cardinal and Annie Leclerc
Nicole Westmarland
'Is it just me?' Second-wave feminism and agony aunt advice in women's magazines
Imelda Whelehan
This Book Changes Lives: The legacy of the "Consciousness Raising" Novel
"Women's Reproductive Rights Campaign Wrinklies"
The unravelling of a `woman's right to choose': Reproductive health politics from abortion to genetics
Natasha Zaretsky
Middle-class suicide: Feminism, Narcissism, and Anti-Natalism in the 1970s