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Forms of Agency in Women's Detective Fiction in the Seventies

Rereading P D James' An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (1972) and Muriel Spark's The Driver's Seat (1970)

Primary texts

Spark, Muriel (1986) [1970] The Driver's Seat Penguin Books

James, P., D. (2000) [1972] An Unsuitable Job For a Woman Faber and Faber


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Craig, Patricia and Cadogan, Mary (1986) The Lady Investigates: Women Detectives and Spies in Fiction Oxford: OUP.

Cranny-Francis, Anne (1990) Feminist Fiction New York: St. Martin's Press.

Curti, Lidia (1998) Female Stories, Female Bodies: Narrative, Identity and Representation London: Macmillan Press.

Dilley, Kimberly (1998) Busybodies, Meddlers and Snoops: The Female Hero in Contemporary Women's Mysteries Westport: Greenwood Press.

Duplessis, Rachel Blau (1985) Writing Beyond the Ending. Narrative Strategies of Twentieth-Century Women Writers Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Heath, Stephen (1972) The Nouveau Roman: A Study in the Practice of Writing London: Elek Books Limited.

Hentig, Hans Von (1948) The Criminal and His Victim: Studies in the Sociobiology of Crime New Haven: Yale University Press.

Irons, Glenwood (ed) (1995) Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Joannou, Mary (2000) Contemporary Women's Writing. From the Golden Notebook to the Color Purple Manchester: Manchester UP.

Jouve, Nicole Ward (1998) Female Genesis: Creativity, Self and Gender Cambridge: Polity Press.

Kemp, Peter (1974) Muriel Spark London: Paul Elek.

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Little, Judy (1983) Comedy and the Woman Writer: Woolf, Spark and Feminism Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Moi, Toril (1999) What is a Woman? and other essays Oxford: OUP.

Page, Norman (1990) Muriel Spark New York: St Martin's Press.

Porter, Dennis (1981) The Pursuit of Crime: Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction New Haven: Yale UP.

Pyrhonen, Heta (1999) Mayhem and Murder. Narrative and Moral Problems in the Detective Story Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Robbe-Grillet, Alain (1965) Towards a New Novel London: John Calder.

Staley, Thomas (ed) (1982) 20th Century Women Novelists London: Macmillan.

Segal, Lynne (1999) Why Feminism? Cambridge: Polity Press.

Smart, Carol (1976) Women, Crime and Criminology: A Feminist Critique London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Todorov, Tzvetlan (1988) 'The Typology of Detective Fiction', in David Lodge (ed) Modern Criticism And Theory: A Reader London and New York: Longman.

Walton, Priscilla and Jones, Marina (1999) Detective Agency. Women Rewriting the Hard-Boiled Tradition Berkeley: University of California Press.

Waugh, Patricia (1989) Feminine Fictions. Revisiting the Postmodern London: Routledge.

Whittaker, Ruth (1982) The Faith and Fiction of Muriel Spark London: Macmillan.